Ground Beef, Discounted, when buying in Bundles!
Pastured Eggs (Bulk discount)

Pastured Eggs (Bulk discount)

Must take 3 or more Dozen Bundle for discount. (limit 6 Doz.) per shipment

Sale applies to multiple Dozen ordered only. (Limit 6 doz. per shipment)

Save $0.15

An egg is an egg, but a pastured egg is something even better. 

Our pastured eggs are laid by our hens inside their pasture shelter, these ladies live on pasture and have opportunity to enjoy the sunshine. They eat a Corn & Soy-free diet and have space to scratch and roam. As a result, our eggs are extra flavorful and rich in nutrients.

The best way to appreciate our pastured eggs is simply fried, scrambled, or hard boiled. You will be able to taste the difference!

These eggs are also great for baking, making quiches, or any other egg recipe your family loves. Once you give them a try, you won’t be able to go back to the grocery store!



Fresh air, Sunshine, Pasture diet, supplemented with a corn and soy-free grain ration.